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2 • Thursday, January 9, 2025 MOOSE LAKE
DiNapoli urges New Yorkers
to spend holiday gift cards
Over $21 Million in Unused
Gift Cards Recovered by
DiNapoli’s Office in 2024
New York State Comptroller
Thomas P. DiNapoli is urging New
Yorkers to keep track of gift cards PERSPECTIVES
received during the holidays. When January 6th, Epiphany 2025!
gift cards aren’t used for five years,
their balances may be turned over would "parada" from house to
by retailers to the Comptroller’s by John Duke in the Air Force protecting the
hree days ago, on Monday, house and home to home. You U.S.A. You don't know that be-
Office of Unclaimed Funds (OUF). might guess parada meant parade,
In 2024, the office recovered over Jan. 6, the feast of the cause there wasn't a trial. The gov-
TEpiphany was celebrated but it was also used to mean pause, ernment called shooting an
$21 million from gift cards, more stopping place and stand, among
than three times the amount re- around the Western World, which unarmed female justified. The Cap-
of course includes us, Western others. It accurately describes the itol policeman who fired his gun
ceived in 2014 ($5.8 million). New activity. A new epiphany has hap-
Yorkers are encouraged to spend New York. Epiphany means “ap- claimed he did it to protect the
pearance or manifestation.” pened in America, the new Empire. United States on NBC. You don't
holiday gift cards early this new Many historic people were born
year and remember to check for Throughout the world, Christians shoot from within one crowd into
celebrate it on Jan. 6, twelve days on Jan. 6. Just a few who you another crowd. He seemed like a
unclaimed funds. might recognize or know are Joan
“Tis the season of giving, not after Christmas Day. nice enough guy having trouble
Many countries refer to it as of Arc 1412, Carl Sandberg 1878, telling lies on TV. But, there wasn't
losing, so please spend those gift Eric Trump 1984, Rose Marie
cards and check to see if you have “Three Kings Day." On this day, even a hearing. You have to re-
Western Christianity recognizes Vilardo 1934, Syd Barrett (Pink member, the Capitol police are a
unclaimed funds,” DiNapoli said. the gift card owner to claim the Floyd) 1946, Howie Long (NFL -
“Many New Yorkers don’t realize Christ’s manifestation to the Gen- highly paid group of individuals
balance from OUF. tiles. The Gentiles were represent- Football) 1960.
gift cards may have their balances OUF will begin returning some On Eric Trump's birthday in who direct you to the restrooms or
transferred to the Office of Un- ed when The Magi (the Persians / to what office you are looking for.
money more quickly in 2025 due to modern day Iranians) visited the 2021, Republican Party patriots
claimed Funds after five years of legislation just signed into law. Cer- turned the Capitol Building into On Jan. 6th, 2021, they had to actu-
inactivity. Last year, we recovered tain newly acquired unclaimed child Jesus and showed how God’s 1978s "Animal House" without any ally work for three hours and they
over $21 million worth of lost mon- funds of $250 or less may be re- gift of the Good News is for every- help from John Belushi or Kevin didn't like it.
ey from unspent gift cards.” turned to their rightful owners with- one. Eastern Christianity observes Bacon, but only for three hours. But enough about Washington,
Statewide, New York City resi- out requiring them to fill out a claim Jesus’ baptism on this day. His The Republicans are amateurs. The like the X Files, the truth is out
dents are owed the most in un- form. If OUF can confirm the iden- baptism revealed his identity to Democrats caused 574 riots, hurt- there, it's just whether or not the
claimed funds stemming from gift tity and mailing address of an enti- mankind. Epiphany celebrates God ing thousands of people and killing public's ready for it. So let's get to
cards, cumulatively totaling nearly tled owner, those payments will be revealing himself to the world in some, burning entire sections of Buffalo. In 2009 ARTVOICE print-
$48 million, followed by Long Is- mailed by check directly to them. If the East and the West. A new king, American cities down to the ground ed an article about Grover Cleve-
land residents at $11.4 million and gift cards are registered with retail- the King of the World was born. and declaring themselves to be sep- land High School student Rose
Hudson Valley residents at $7.8 ers before they are turned over to That of course didn't sit too well arate countries, independent of the Marie Vilardo, who wrote an arti-
million. OUF, returns could be expedited. with other kings, nor the Empire U.S. cle "What About Our Waterfront"
Gift Cards DiNapoli reminds gift card re- (Rome). The extreme Left-wing media in 1949. It was about all the simple
"Three Kings" was always an
DiNapoli’s office returns an av- cipients to read the fine print on the improvements we could make that
important feast day on Buffalo's (ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN) re- would add up to something big.
erage of $1.5 million in unclaimed card for details about any fees and
West Side. Members of Buffalo's ferred to three hours of Animal She received an award from Newell
funds every business day and works expiration dates and to register the
Latino Community would travel House as the "Deadly Capitol Riot" Nussbaumer. No, not the founder
with retailers to identify the owners card with the retailer.
from porch to porch and sing and the 574 riots as the Summer of of Buffalo Rising, but his grandfa-
of unused gift cards. Retailers can The Comptroller’s office has
Christmas songs and while most Love. A single bullet was fired ther! On Monday, Jan. 6, when I
provide OUF with a name if the more than $19 billion in unclaimed
Italians didn't speak Spanish, they from a gun inside one crowd across asked to see the award certificate
person registers the gift card online, funds. could understand it. It was beauti- the hall into another crowd in the
if they have been issued a refund, or from over 75 years ago, she was
ful. The Boricua (Paisans, Friends) Capitol, where a patriot was killed. happy to bring it out, smiled and
if the card was purchased with an Her name was Ashli Babbit. She
existing store account. If the own- asked, "well what about it?"
lived 60 percent of her life (21 It just goes to show you that
er’s information is not known to a The views of columnists and letter writers do not necessarily years) as a civilian, before spend-
New York retailer, it will report the reflect the views of the RiverRock Times. Letters to the editor are ing the next 40 percent (14 years) sometimes you have to force the
card details, such as card number welcome at or by mail: RiverRock Times, 979 government to do the right thing.
and balance, which can be used by Grant St., Buffalo, NY, 14207. They should be 200 words or less.
Woman sentenced for
Quinn Minute – Cold weather activities fatal stabbing on Heward
by Rix Quinn Erie County District Attorney Michael J. Keane announced that Char-
just talked to an old friend who rinda Gray, 50, of Buffalo, was sentenced Jan. 2 before State Supreme
Itold me it is very cold in his Court Justice Paul B. Wojtaszek. She received an indeterminate sentence
town. He wonders what he can do of 1 to 3 years in state prison.
for fun in icy conditions. On Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020, at approximately 7:57 p.m., Buffalo
Well, it is cold because it is win- Police officers responded to a 911 call for a reported stabbing at a residence
ter. If it were hot, we would worry on Heward Avenue in the City of Buffalo. Officers found the male victim
that there’s a hole in the ozone layer. outside of the home with stab wounds to his abdomen and buttocks. The
But the ozone layer is invisible, so it defendant stabbed the victim, her boyfriend, with a kitchen knife during an
would be hard to find the hole. argument. The victim, 46-year-old Samuel A. Jackson, was taken by
For winter amusement, many ambulance to ECMC where he died from the injuries.
people ski. That’s fun if you like to Gray pleaded guilty to one count of Manslaughter in the Second Degree
go downhill really fast. I do not ski, (Class “C” felony). The defendant pleaded guilty to the charge in full
because I am going downhill fast satisfaction of the indictment on Aug. 21, 2024. As conditions of the plea,
enough already. the defendant waived her right to appeal as well as her right to file a motion
In icy weather, it’s unwise to pursuant to Penal Law 60.12 under the Domestic Violence Survivors
water ski. Not only is it hard to stay Justice Act.
up, but falling on a frozen lake is DA Keane commends Detectives Erin McCarthy and Anthony Lapiana
quite painful. of the Buffalo Police Department for their work in the investigation.
If you hate cold weather sports, Or what if you got stuck outside
you might go to an indoor boxing in the snow, and your CD player
match or basketball game. (Some- broke?
times you can see both events at I have finally decided that win-
once.) ter is like a bad date. It’s cold, it’s Published by Buffalo Standard Printing Corp.
Yes, cold weather can be brutal, unpleasant, and it seems like it lasts Roger Puchalski - Editor
but just think about the rough life our forever. Tours available by Roxie Harbison - Sales & Marketing
ancestors had B.C. (before central This column sent to newspapers appointment Printed in Buffalo by Buffalo Newspress
heating). Houses got so cold at night, by Quinn Publications, Inc., 4212 E-MAIL
folks invented windows just so they Inwood Road, Fort Worth, TX 157 East Street, Buffalo (716) 835-9455 • FAX (716) 835-9457
could close them. 76109, phone 817-920-7999. To re- New York 14207
And think about long winter move your name from this e-mail The views of columnists and letter writers do not necessarily
travel before cars. What if your wag- list, just REPLY with the word RE- More Information: Call reflect the views of the RiverRock Times. Letters to the editor are
on wheel fell off? What if your horse MOVE in the "Subject" line. 716.481.2350 welcome at riverrock@ or by mail: RiverRock Times,
ran away? c/o 979 Grant St., Buffalo, NY 14207. They should be concise.