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6                      • Thursday, January 9, 2025     Why do we love carbs?
     The origins predate agriculture and maybe even our split from Neanderthals

        If  you’ve  ever  struggled  to  re- starch you can digest ef-     present-day humans, pro- the lead authors on this study from  to  their  starch-rich  diets.  Gokcu-
     duce your carb intake, ancient DNA fectively,”   says   the           viding a clearer picture of the Lee Lab at JAX.     men’s  previous  research  showed
     might be to blame.            study's corresponding au-               how AMY1 duplications   “The  initial  duplications  in  our  that  domesticated  animals  living
        It has long been known that hu- thor,  Omer  Gokcumen,             evolved.             genomes  laid  the  groundwork  for  alongside  humans,  such  as  dogs
     mans  carry  multiple  copies  of  a PhD, professor in the De-          Analyzing  the  ge- significant variation in the amylase  and pigs, also have higher amylase
     gene that allows us to begin break- partment  of  Biological          nomes of 68 ancient hu- region, allowing humans to adapt to  gene  copy  numbers  compared  to
     ing  down  complex  carbohydrate Sciences,  within  the  UB           mans,   including   a shifting diets as starch consumption  animals not reliant on starch-heavy
     starch in the mouth, providing the College  of  Arts  and  Sci-       45,000-year-old  sample rose dramatically with the advent of  diets.
     first  step  in  metabolizing  starchy ences.                         from  Siberia,  the  re- new  technologies  and  lifestyles,”  “Individuals with higher AMY1
     foods like bread and pasta. Howev-  Amylase,   the   re-              search  team  found  that Gokcumen adds.            copy numbers were likely digesting
     er, it has been notoriously difficult searchers  explain,  is  an  “The initial dupli-  pre-agricultural  hunter-  The seeds of genetic variation  starch more efficiently and having
     for  researchers  to  determine  how enzyme  that  not  only  cations in our ge-  gatherers already had an  The initial duplication of AMY1  more  offspring,”  Gokcumen  says.
     and when the number of these genes breaks  down  starch  into  nomes laid the  average  of  four  to  eight was like the first ripple in a pond,  “Their  lineages  ultimately  fared
     expanded.                     glucose,  but  also  gives  groundwork for  AMY1  copies  per  dip- creating  a  genetic  opportunity  that  better  over  a  long  evolutionary
        Now,  a  new  study  led  by  the bread its taste.  significant varia-  loid cell, suggesting that later shaped our species. As humans  timeframe  than  those  with  lower
     University at Buffalo and the Jack-  Gokcumen  and  his  tion in the amy-  humans  were  already spread  across  different  environ-  copy  numbers,  propagating  the
     son Laboratory (JAX), reveals how colleagues, including co-  lase region,  walking  around  Eurasia ments, the flexibility in the number  number of the AMY1 copies.”
     the duplication of this gene – known senior  author,  Charles allowing humans  with  a  wide  variety  of of AMY1 copies provided an advan-  The findings track with a Uni-
     as  the  salivary  amylase  gene Lee, professor and Robert to adapt to shift-  high  AMY1  copy  num- tage for adapting to new diets, par-  versity of California, Berkeley-led
     (AMY1)  –  may  not  only  have Alvine  Family  Endowed ing diets as starch  bers  well  before  they ticularly those rich in starch.  study  published  in  Nature,  which
     helped  shape  human  adaptation  to Chair at JAX, used opti-  consumption rose  started   domesticating  “Following  the  initial  duplica-  found  that  humans  in  Europe  ex-
     starchy  foods,  but  may  have  oc- cal genome mapping and  dramatically with  plants and eating excess tion, leading to three AMY1 copies  panded  their  average  number  of
     curred  as  far  back  as  more  than long-read  sequencing,  a  the advent of new  amounts of starch.  in a cell, the amylase locus became  AMY1  copies  from  four  to  seven
     800,000 years ago, long before the methodological   break-  technologies and  The study also found unstable  and  began  creating  new  over the last 12,000 years.
     advent of farming.            through  crucial  to  map-  lifestyles. ”  that  AMY1  gene  dupli- variations,"  says  Charikleia  Kara-  “Given the key role of AMY1
        Reported  in  the  Oct.  17,  2024 ping  the  AMY1  gene           cations  occurred  in  Ne- georgiou, one of the lead authors of  copy  number  variation  in  human
     advanced  online  issue  of  Science, region  in  extraordinary  Omer Gokcumen,  anderthals   and the study at UB. “From three AMY1  evolution,  this  genetic  variation
     the study ultimately showcases how detail.  Traditional  short-  professor of bio-  Denisovans.  copies, you can get all the way up to  presents an exciting opportunity to
     early  duplications  of  this  gene  set read sequencing methods  logical sciences  “This  suggests  that nine copies, or even go back to one  explore  its  impact  on  metabolic
     the stage for the wide genetic varia- struggle to accurately dis-  University at Buf-  the  AMY1  gene  may copy per haploid cell.”  health and uncover the mechanisms
     tion that still exists today, influenc- tinguish  between  gene  falo College of  have  first  duplicated  The complicated  involved  in  starch  digestion  and
     ing how effectively humans digest copies in this region due Arts and Sciences  more than 800,000 years  legacy of farming  glucose  metabolism,”  says  Feyza
     starchy foods.                to their near-identical se-             ago, well before humans  The  research  also  highlights Yilmaz, an associate computational
        “The idea is that the more amy- quence.  However,  long-read  se- split  from  Neanderthals  and  much  how  agriculture  impacted  AMY1 scientist at JAX and a lead author
     lase genes you have, the more amy- quencing  allowed  Gokcumen  and further   back   than   previously  variation.  While  early  hunter-gath- of the study. “Future research could
     lase you can produce and the more Lee  to  overcome  this  challenge  in thought,” says Kwondo Kim, one of  erers had multiple gene copies, Eu- reveal its precise effects and timing
                                                                                                ropean  farmers  saw  a  surge  in  the of  selection,  providing  critical  in-
                                                                                                average  number  of  AMY1  copies sights into genetics, nutrition, and
                                                                                                over the past 4,000 years, likely due health.”

                                                                                                STATEPOINT CROSSWORD!
                                                                                                         Theme - SNOW DAY

                                                                                                           ACROSS                         DOWN
                                                                                                 1. Larger-than-life           1. Odds' partners
                                                                                                 5. Capone's family            2. Tubby little cubby
                                                                                                 8. Wild swine                 3. "He's Just Not That ____ You"
                                                                                                 12. "You're not allowed," to a baby  4. Of the same period
                                                                                                 13. Deal with it              5. *Popular Snow Day pastime
                                                                                                 14. Cunningly                 6. Some tournaments
                                                                                                 15. Shower with affection     7. Zugspitze, e.g.
                                                                                                 16. Allege                    8. *Severe weather
                                                                                                 17. City in Belgium           9. Deed hearing
                                                                                                 18. *Snow Day exercise?       10. Algae, sing.
                                                                                                 20. Poet Pound                11. Marble bread
                                                                                                 21. Ovine sign of the zodiac  13. ____ Jack, English pirate
                                                                                                 22. Tasseled hat              14. *As opposed to rain
                                                                                                23. All together (2 words)     19. Irregular
                                                                                                26. Military College of South  22. Type of conifer
                                                                                                Carolina, with The
                                                                                                                               23. Musketeers' swords
                                                                                                30. For every
                                                                                                                               24. High-strung
                                                                                                31. a.k.a. association football
                                                                                                                               25. Cerebellum location
                                                                                                34. *All-day Snow Day garb?
                                                                                                                               26. Unit of life
                                                                                                35. Delete
                                                                                                                               27. Students' dwellings
                                                                                                37. Crude fuel
                                                                                                                               28. *Snow Day reading choice
                                                                                                38. Read-only disc
                                                                                                                               29. Helping theorem
                                                                                                39. Good's counterpart
                                                                                                                               32. *Like soft pj's
                                                                                                40. Popular flowering shrub
                                                                                                                               33. Intelligence org.
                                                                                                42. Female ancestor
                                                                                                                               36. *Slope fun
                                                                                                43. Two heads are better than one,  38. Shorter than California
                                                                                                                               40. Number of years
                                                                                                45. Bering Strait state
                                                                                                                               41. No, it doesn't crawl in one's ear
                                                                                                47. Rudolph's Clarice, e.g.
                                                                                                                               44. Horse of certain color, pl.
                                                                                                48. Like thick smoke
                                                                                                                               46. Spontaneous additions
                                                                                                50. Fountain option
                                                                                                                               48. Obtuse one
                                                                                                52. *No two are alike, sing.
                                                                                                                               49. Tom Cruise's "The ____ of
                                                                                                56. Surround (2 words)
                                                                                                57. Tangerine plus grapefruit
                                                                                                                               50. Highway hauler
                                                                                                58. *Like a river, with over
                                                                                                                               51. Bad sign
                                                                                                59. #51 Down, pl.
                                                                                                                               52. Of a particular kind
                                                                                                60. Heidi's "Magic Wooden Shoe"
                                                                                                                               53. Smoothie berry
                                                                                                61. Olufsen's partner
                                                                                                                               54. Superman's last name
                                                                                                62. Sound of a bell
                                                                                                                               55. Part of a seat
                                                                                                63. Not him
                                                                                                                               56. *Like chocolate on a Snow Day
                                                                                                64. Surfer's stop
                                                                                                                                             Answers on page 7
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