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Thursday, January 9, 2025 • • 3
D District Blotter Community
Compiled by Roxie Harbison Recollections . . .
Week of January 9, 2025 Calendar
As are all persons accused of a crime, the defendant is presumed
innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. ��Come Dance! Every Wednes-
• Defendant, a 39-year-old Black Rock man, did grab the victim on dancing at the Ukrainian
Niagara Street pulling her and then defendant did punch victim (girlfriend) American Civic Center, 205 Mil-
in the face causing swelling and bruising and cuts to the victim’s mouth
itary Rd. $10 - Doors open at 6
and left cheek of face.
p.m., music from 6:30 to 9:30
• While investigating dumping trash on private CSX property at East p.m. The center also offers
St. and Parish, the defendant, a 32-year-old Buffalo woman, was found to
Fish Fry every Friday from 6 - 9
have an active Buffalo warrant.
p.m. Featuring Cami Clune live
• Defendant, a 33-year-old Riverside man, picked up on Ontario at - Jan. 29.
Skillen streets, has five Buffalo warrants. Vehicle impounded.
• A NY vehicle was stopped for a traffic violation on Tonawanda
Street. Defendant, a 33-year-old Black Rock man, was the passenger in the Rediscover Riverside meeting
vehicle. Driver and passenger have suspended licenses. Passenger was - 6 p.m. St. Mark’s / All Saints
smoking weed while driver was driving vehicle. Upon safety pat-down of Church, 311 Ontario St.
defendant, officer was handed a pill bottle containing two baggies contain-
ing a white rock substance by defendant, from his underwear in his front
waistband; submitted into evidence. Riverside
THE OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE for Black Rock Day at Crystal
• On Jan. 3 patrol did respond to a ‘reckless operation’ call at a housing Beach posed for this photo on Sunday, July 18. They
complex on Hertel Ave. about a vehicle described as a blue Honda CRV splash pad admitted they had more fun than the kids did. Photo from July,
traveling on Hertel toward Military Rd. Patrol was traveling westbound on
Hertel and did observe a blue Honda CRV traveling eastbound on Hertel from page 1 1982.
at River Rock Drive. Patrol did stop the vehicle in a parking lot on Military Photo from the Rich Mack Collection,
Road. Upon first making contact with the defendant, a 58-year-old Black “Our attitude right now is, it is courtesy of Black Rock Historical Society, 436 Amherst St.
what it is. How do we make sure it
Rock man, officers did observe glassy eyes and did smell an odor of
alcohol emanating from the defendant. Patrol did then have the defendant still happens?,” she asks. The pool
originally in the park had been
get out of the vehicle to perform SFST’s. Defendant was not physically Spread the news?
capable of performing ‘walk to turn’ as well as one-leg stand. Officer closed for five years, first due to
COVID and then due to a lack of
performed NY Stagmus test and defendant did keep moving his head while Scan this QR Code and
tracking finger, not following directions. Defendant did consent to a breath lifeguards. “The splash pad was the send it to your friends to
perfect solution. We’ve been asking
test and did come down to W. Eagle St. to perform one. Defendant did then read this week’s “paper”!
blow .27% and does have two prior convictions of driving while intoxicat- for a splash pad for seven years
now, because we knew it was less
maintenance for the city, and we
• Victim states he and the defendant, a 65-year-old Black Rock man,
didn’t have to have a lifeguard. It
did push one another on Elmwood Ave. near Amherst St. and when the was a much more user-friendly ver-
victim fell the defendant did strike him with a wooden bed board causing
sion of cooling down for small chil-
pain to his leg. Victim checked on scene by AMR. dren and for families and even for
• Officers responded to an incident at a Boyd Street address listed by adults than the pool was. It’s also in
caller. After further investigation complainant states defendant, a 38-year- the part of the park where the sum-
old Buffalo man, has been beating her all night and did punch her head mer lunch program is run and
multiple times with a closed fist leaving bruising and swelling marks. you’ve got the summer sports activ-
Victim was transported to ECMC on 2209 paperwork because she refused ities going on. Having a splash pad
treatment and did use crack cocaine last night. just made so much more sense for
• Defendant, a 50-year-old Riverside man, did on Sayer Ave. strike the the last five or six years, and then to
victim (wife) in the face with an open hand causing redness. Aid declined. get this far and find out we’re in
The victim wants an Order of Protection. jeopardy again.”
McCooey said her group is “put-
• Defendant, a 25-year-old Buffalo woman, did take approximately
$120 worth of merchandise from a small discount grocer on Kenmore Ave. ting a lot of faith in Mayor Scan-
lon’s promise that this is a priority,”
and conceal in a black duffle bag and passed all points of purchase without
payment. Complainant attempted to stop defendant and get property back the same assertion the mayor and
Deputy Commissioner for Parks
near the end of Kenmore Ave. The bag was ripped open to get product out.
Complainant grabbed the bag to pick it up and defendant displayed mace and Recreation Andy Rabb gave
and threatened to use it. Defendant then took all the merchandise into a
Clayton St. address and came back out and displayed a knife, a pipe and “They both said they are going
to find monies for this,” Golombek
mace to chase complainant who feared for his safety and returned to the
store. said. “It’s still on track; we just have
to find a different source of fund-
• Defendant, a 35-year-old Riverside man, did enter the discount ing.”
department store on Delaware Ave., selected miscellaneous items and
proceeded to pass all points of purchase without paying. Total of items was
$129.98. During the investigation after being warned that providing false We are online at
pedigree was a crime the defendant provided a different name.
• Defendant, a 30-year-old Riverside man, did violate a Stay Away
Order of Protection by showing up unannounced to the complainant’s
home (ex-girlfriend) on Lawn Ave. and repeatedly kicking on her door and
screaming that he was going to break her windows. When officers arrived
on scene the defendant refused all lawful commands and fought with
officers when walking to the patrol car.
• Complainant report the defendant, a 36-year-old Buffalo man, did
follow him from Grant and Bird to Grant and Forest attempting to initiate
a verbal altercation. Complainant reports while at the corner the defendant Worship with us!
did hit and strike him and pushed him onto the ground where he continued
to hit and strike his head and face causing pain, redness and swelling.
When officers arrived and attempted to apprehend the defendant he resist-
ed and stated “I’m going to take your gun.” Damage to victim’s glasses, Church of the Assumption St. Mark's / All Saints'
$80 value.
435 Amherst Street Episcopal Church
• Victim (ex-girlfriend) states that on Dec. 29 defendant, a 31-year-old Weekend Mass Schedule: 311 Ontario at Riverside
Buffalo man, (her ex-boyfriend) did come over to her home on Lawn Ave. Sunday Services: 10:30 am
and they did get into a verbal argument. Victim then stated that defendant Saturday: 4:30 pm
punched her black screen TV, breaking it, causing approx. $700 in dam- Sunday - 10:00 am
age. 716-875-7626 Office: 716-875-8374
• The defendant, a 58-year-old Buffalo man, while in custody on
another charge did have in his possession the complainant’s NYS Driver’s Ontario Street United Renovation Church
license and two bank Visa cards. The items were reported stolen by the Methodist Church Bishop Mark Collier
complainant on Dec. 27. Pastor Lal Fak Mawia 567 Hertel Avenue
• Officers got a 911 call that the defendant, a 28-year-old Black Rock 179 Ontario cor. Tonawanda Sunday 10:30 am
woman, was in a Niagara Street store with a gun. Officers observed Sunday Worship: 9:30 am Family Ministry: Ages birth -
defendant near the front register. As officers approached the defendant 10:30 am: Mizo Congregation 5th Grade
took off towards the rear of the store. Defendant was detained and an 716-875-3639 Website:
officer recovered a loaded handgun, a black Springfield ‘HellCat’ 9 mm
with one round in the chamber and 12 rounds in the magazine.