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4                      • Thursday, January 9, 2025                                          YMCA plans, streetscape
     Buffalo briefs                                                                             are focus of GAMA meeting

                                   in  urban  planning,  affordable                                 by Roxie Harbison          spent. The association is waiting for
                                   housing,  economic  housing                                       rant Amherst Business Assoc. the street engineers to give location
                                   development, and community-                                   Greported the 2nd annual Holi- approval for benches and trash re-
                                   focused  revitalization  will  be                             day Event at the Showplace Theater ceptacles.  Ideas  were  also  enter-
                                   invaluable  in  shaping  Buffa-                               in  December  that  it  co-sponsored tained  on  how  to  make  garbage
 revenue replacement funding to    lo’s  future.  Nadine’s  deep                                 had  a  good  crowd,  a  good  movie collection by the city easier.
                                   roots in our city and her life-                               and plenty of of popcorn. Santa was  There was a discussion of anoth-
                                   long  dedication  to  improving  the cases and most violent perpetrators.  able to spend a little more time with er printing of the hardcover book "A
                                   lives of Buffalo residents make her Partridge  most  recently  served  as  each child. Once inside the door he Pictorial History of Black Rock.”
                                   the ideal choice to oversee our stra- the chief of the Major Crimes Bu-  was their first stop. The association  Much discussion centered on the
                                   tegic planning efforts.”       reau, which is responsible for inves-  thanked all the volunteers and help- YWCA on Grant Street (at School
                                      Marrero  grew  up  on  Buffalo’s tigating gun-involved violence and  ers who made it a success.  House Commons). The original re-
                                   Lower West Side and now resides in gang-related activity. In addition to  The Jan. 7 GABA meeting was quest  by  the  organization  was  to
                                   the University District. .     managing  his  own  caseload,  Par-  the first held at the new time – 9:30 make a playground for the kids in
                                      “I  am  honored  to  return  to  the tridge  and  his  team  work  closely  a.m.  The  turnout  was  good  and the day care adjacent to the parking
     Marrero is new Strategic      City of Buffalo in this capacity and with law enforcement to attempt to  there  were  donuts.  The  February lot.  Then  the  planned  called  for  a
     Planning executive director   to work alongside Mayor Scanlon to prevent gun violence by identifying  meeting will be available by Zoom. basketball court with a 10 foot chain
        Buffalo  Mayor  Christopher  P.  advance  the  city's  strategic  goals,” conflicts  and  developing  strategies  The  organization’s  2025  member- link  fence  around  it.  And  then,  it
     Scanlon has announced the appoint-  said  Marrero.  “I  look  forward  to to interrupt potential violence.  ship drive is an ongoing effort and turned into a soccer field. The group
     ment of Nadine Marrero as the new                               “During  his  career,  Gene  has  its website is in mark up stage. Vid- said all of this was without neigh-
 The four contracts, approved by   leveraging my experience to foster
     executive director of the Office of  sustainable  development,  enhance advocated zealously on behalf of the  eos of Black Rock businesses need borhood input. The association put
     Strategic  Planning  (OSP)  for  the  community  engagement,  and  im- victims of the most heinous crimes.  to be forwarded to the designer.  its concerns in a letter to the Zoning
 signed by Mayor Byron Brown,  City of Buffalo. Marrero, a lifelong  prove the quality of life for all Buf- He is a dedicated professional who  The  association  also  reported Board for consideration.
     Buffalo resident, brings more than  falonians.”              investigates  all  cases  methodically  the  Streetscape  grant  has  been
     20  years  of  experience  in  urban                         and meticulously, leading to a result
     planning, housing development, and  Community Foundation     that balances fairness, accountabili-  Lower Your COPD Risk at Any Age
     community revitalization to her new  opens 2025 grant process  ty and protection of our community.
     role.                            The Community Foundation for His diligent preparation, profession-
        In  her  most  recent  position  as  Greater  Buffalo  is  now  accepting alism,  integrity  and  knowledge  of
     President  of  Bridges  Development  Letters of Intent (LOI) for its 2025 the law contribute to his success as
     Inc., Marrero has been a transforma-  competitive  grant  process  through a prosecutor and as a leader in this
     tive leader in Buffalo’s housing sec-  Feb.  3,  2025,  at  4  p.m.  Interested office. I am proud to name him as
     tor.   She   has   spearheaded  organizations  should  read  the  de- Chief of the Homicide Bureau,” said
     redevelopment  planning  for  major  tailed guidelines and additional in- Erie County District Attorney Mike
     public  housing  projects,  including  formation that can be found online Keane.
     Commodore  Perry,  Marine  Drive,  before submitting a Letter of Intent:  Bureau  chief  appointments  ef-
     and  Shaffer  Village,  collectively  fective Jan. 1, 2025 included:
     comprising over 1,700 units of pub-  ants/community-foundation/  • Ashley Morgan as chief of the
     lic housing.                      LOI proposals must address at Major Crimes Bureau. Morgan pre-
        Marrero was also overseeing the  least one of the solutions listed un- viously served as a bureau chief in
     $50 million renovation of Frederick  der  the  Community  Foundation’s Felony Trials.
     Douglass II and Francis John Apart-  four Community Goals:      • Cathleen Roemer as a chief of
     ments,  ensuring  that  174  units  of  • Increase racial/ethnic equity.  the  Felony  Trials  Bureau.  Roemer
     affordable  senior  housing  are  pre-  •  Promote  economic  mobility previously  served  as  chief  of  the  (Family  Features)  Breathing:  • Try to avoid exposure to lung
     served and modernized. Under her  through  educational  achievement Buffalo City Court Bureau.  You  may  take  it  for  granted,  but  irritants like air pollution, dusts and
     leadership,  Bridges  Development  for  residents  living  in  low-income  •  Andres  Ortiz  as  chief  of  the  your lungs are important, and so is  chemical fumes. Some occupations
     Inc. managed more than 550 units  households.                Buffalo  City  Court  Bureau.  Ortiz  protecting them. No matter how old  put you at higher risk for COPD.
     of affordable housing in Buffalo.  •  Steward  significant  environ- previously  served  as  the  Assistant  you are, you can take action to pre-  Most  people  are  40  or  older
        Previously,  Marrero  served  as  mental resources.       Bureau Chief of Buffalo City Court.  vent  certain  lung  conditions,  like  when symptoms start. If you have
     the  City  of  Buffalo’s  director  of  •  Promote  regional  vibrancy  • Samantha King as assistant bu-  chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-  shortness  of  breath,  coughing,
     planning and zoning. Her career al-  through  architecture,  arts,  and  cul- reau  chief  of  Buffalo  City  Court.  ease, or COPD.  wheezing,  chest  tightness  or  fa-
     so includes environmental consult-  ture.                    King previously served as an Assis-  It's  a  serious  lung  disease  that  tigue, talk to your health care pro-
     ing and working with Buffalo Place,  DA Keane names          tant  District  Attorney  in  the  makes  breathing  difficult  and  gets  vider.  Tell  them  about  your
     Inc.                                                         Narcotics/Intelligence Bureau.  worse over time. COPD is less com-  smoking habits, any family history
        Marrero holds a master’s degree  bureau chiefs               Additional bureau chief appoint-  mon in younger adults, but anyone  of COPD and exposure to lung irri-
     in urban planning from the Univer-  Erie  County  District  Attorney  ments effective Jan. 13 include:  can have it. People with a genetic  tants and ask if you should be tested
                                   Michael J. Keane announced recent
     sity at Buffalo and a bachelor’s de-                            •  Patrick  Shanahan  as  chief  of  condition  known  as  Alpha-1  may  for COPD.
     gree from Canisius College. She is  Bureau  Chief  appointments  under  the Vehicular Crimes Bureau. Sha-  have symptoms as early as age 20.  If you have COPD, the sooner
                                   his  administration.  Eugene  T.  Par-
     a member of the American Institute                           nahan previously served as a bureau  Consider  these  steps  to  lower  you  learn  how  to  manage  it,  the
     of Certified Planners and the Lati-  tridge,  III,  has  been  appointed  as  chief in Felony Trials.  your risk for COPD:  sooner you can start to breathe bet-
                                   Chief of the office’s Homicide Bu-
     nos  and  Planning  Group  of  the                               • Danielle D’Abate as a chief of  •  If  you  smoke,  get  help  quit-  ter. Don't wait. Protect your lungs
     American Planning Association.  reau effective Dec. 11, 2024.  the Felony Trials Bureau. D’Abate  ting. Most people with COPD have  for life.
                                      During his nearly 17-year career
        “Nadine Marrero is exceptional-                           previously  served  as  chief  of  the  a history of smoking. It's not easy to  To   learn   more,   visit
     ly  qualified  to  lead  the  Office  of  in  the  Erie  County  District  Attor-  Justice Courts Bureau.  quit, but your health care provider
                                   ney’s  Office,  Partridge  has  prose-
     Strategic  Planning,”  said  Mayor                               • Paul Glascott as chief of the  can share resources to support you.  Source:  National  Heart,  Lung,
     Scanlon. “Her extensive experience  cuted  some  of  the  most  difficult  Justice Courts Bureau. Glascott pre-           and Blood Institute
                                                                  viously served as chief of the Vehic-
                                                                  ular Crimes Bureau.

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