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What might the New Year bring                                                                         Thursday,  January 9, 2025 •                   • 5

      from page 1                  which were installed last summer in
     areas and then creating a long term  front of Radha Baked Goods, Allen-
     focused and doable plan for chang-  town Music and Nick’s Place, all on
     ing  the  current  narrative  will  be  a  Amherst  Street,  with  three  more
     key part of driving economic devel-  awaiting installation. The grant also
     opment to fill in vacant storefronts  paid  for  a  series  of  metal  historic
     and address the housing issues that  marker signs through the neighbor-
     will bring in new residents to help  hood  and  two  new  “Black  Rock”
     support those new businesses.  metal signs, one of which has been
       Probably  the  most  important  installed near the edge of the Polish
     thing  I  am  looking  forward  to  in  Cadets at the intersection of Grant
     2025 is the opportunity for this dis-  and Amherst streets and Ladder 12
     trict  to  really  influence  the  future  Fire  Department.  The  grant  also
     direction of the city by establishing  paid for the installation of five new
     our community needs as a priority  stainless  steel  trash  receptacles
     for  mayoral  candidates  and  by  the  along the business district.
     community  flexing  its  strength  in  Bill  Butler,  president,  Black  READY FOR 2025! The Northwest Buffalo Seniors recently celebrated New Years and extended
     numbers to secure priority status for  Rock  Historical      their best wishes to all!
     the district. We can do this if every  Society
     voting-eligible resident understands  “1.  State  /          significance, which will be submit-
     that  by  showing  up  and  voting  in  Federal Certifica-   ted to the New York State Office of
     both the primary and general elec-  tion of the Lower        Parks,  Recreation  and  Historic  January 2025
     tions, our community can and will  Black  Rock  His-         Preservation, in addition to the Na-
     become a priority for the next ad-  toric  District  by      tional  Park  Service,  for  consider-
     ministration. And while our council  the NYS Historic        ation.   When   the   review   is
     member has been a strong advocate  Preservation  Of-         completed, a consultant will host a
     for the community in City Hall, our  fice - This is a group of 12 buildings  community meeting to discuss the
     historically  low  voter  turnout  has  on Niagara Street (straddling Ham-  evidence  and  submission  and  re-
     been a hindrance for him and others  ilton St) that represent the only re-  view potential tax credit opportuni-
     when it comes to getting city focus,  maining Erie Canal-era streetscape  ties  for  reusing  and  preserving
     funding  and  development  to  be  a  in Buffalo.            important properties and buildings.
     priority  for  previous  administra-  2.  "Breakfast  with  General  Joseph Golombek, North Dis-
     tions,  yet  when  pushed  to  get  out  LaFayette" (June 7, 2025) - Com-  trict Council Member
     and  vote  this  district  can  strongly  memoration of the 200th anniversa-  “The  continued  growth  of  the
     influence the outcome of an election  ry of General LaFayette's farewell  community  groups
     as  seen  by  the  last  mayoral  race  tour  of  the  United  States  and  his  I  think  is  impor-
     when the North District helped de-  breakfast  at  Peter  Buell  Porter's  tant,  whether  it's
     liver the office to a write in candi-  home in Black Rock.  This event is  the  Little  Leagues
     date. High voter turnout will show  scheduled  for  the  Buffalo  History  or the business as-
     candidates that they need to get to  Museum and will include re-enac-  sociations  or  the
     know our community firsthand and  tors, music and food.      other grassroots or-
     deliver on what our needs are if they  3. "Erie Canal Heritage Market  ganizations that are
     want to get and retain office.”  at  Market  Square"  (August  23,  filled with volunteers. In my opin-
       Joe  Maniaci,               2025)  -  Immersive  event  celebrat-  ion, that's the strength of this neigh-
     president,  Grant-            ing  the  200th  anniversary  of  the  borhood and I'd like to continue to
     Amherst Business              opening of the Erie Canal with ven-  work  with  all  the  different  groups
     Association:                  dors, crafts demonstrations, music,  and help us move forward.
       The     three               re-enactors,  hay  rides,  walking  Development of residential and
     things I'm looking            tours, and games.”             public spaces will be a big issue and
     forward  to  or                  Other festivities to celebrate the  one that could bring excitement and
     would like to see             canal’s  bicentennial  include  the  growth to both neighborhoods. “Es-
     happen  in  2025,             launch of the Seneca Chief, a full-  pecially for Black Rock and River-
     more  specifically            size replica of the ship that original-  side,  getting  more  residents  living
     in Black Rock:                ly  opened  the  canal  in  1825.  The  here.  (The  proposed  new  replace-
       1.  To  finally  finish  our  BMSI  Seneca Chief will set sail later this  ment project with apartments in the
     Streetscape Grant by installing the  year, traveling the length of the ca-  former Voelker’s bowling alley), I
     remaining  Trash  Receptacles  and  nal from Buffalo’s marina to New  think it needs to be a smaller project
     Benches  on  Amherst  Street  and  York  Harbor  in  celebration  of  the  than  is  currently  proposed,  but
     Grant Street in Black Rock.   milestone.                     that’s what we’re negotiating right
       2. To see our neighborhood con-  As  for  the  historic  designation  now. I do think it’s a positive, and
     tinue  to  move  in  a  positive  direc-  of  Lower  Black  Rock,  the  Black  that’s one of approximately 10 proj-
     tion. Including the opening of new  Rock Historical Society received a  ects  in  Black  Rock  and  Riverside
     businesses that are under construc-  grant from the Preservation League  that  are  near  completion  or  at  the
     tion,  and  the  redevelopment  of  of NYS for $7,568 last year toward  very  beginning  stage.  (In  River-
     Volkers… done in a way that will  documenting  the  preservation  ef-  side), I think the splash pad is very
     be beneficial to the neighborhood as  forts for the district, believed to be  important  for  Riverside.  Schaffer
     a whole.                      the  only  remaining  Erie  Canal-era  Village  is  still  moving  forward.  I
       3.  I  would  also  like  to  see  the  streetscape  in  Buffalo.  The  area  think that’s very important because
     city  make  improvements  to  infra-  considered Lower Black Rock has  that will change the look and feel of
     structure, including traffic calming  historically contained the land north  Riverside.  It  will  make  Schaffer
     to help make our neighborhood saf-  of  where  Scajaquada  Creek  meets  Village look like part of the com-
     er and more walkable, while at the  the Niagara River near Tonawanda  munity.”
     same  time,  not  causing  traffic  Street  and  Forest.  The  Historical  Ultimately, there will be chang-
     problems/congestion.”         Society has worked to compile re-  es  on  the  horizon.  “There  will  be
       The  Streetscape  grant  in  Black  search into the origins of this part of  change that takes place with these
     Rock,  worth  $25,000,  already  has  the  community  in  addition  to  col-  developments.  I’m  still  trying  to
     provided  for  three  new  benches,  lecting  documents  and  photos  of  allocate  funds  for  a  major  traffic
                                                                  study for the West Hertel, Grant and
                                                                  Amherst neighborhoods. I think it’s
      Showcase Your                                               important,” because as more hous-
                                                                  ing units become available, and as
         Business or                                              changes are made to traffic patterns
                                                                  like  the  recently  re-striped  section
                                                                  of Amherst Street in front of Weg-
       Organization!                                              mans, it’s going to impact the lives
                                                                  and commutes of people who live
                                                                  and  work  in  these  neighborhoods.
                                                                  Golombek promises to continue his
                                      ADVERTISE in the            longstanding  practice  of  working
                                     RiverRock Times!             with both community organizations
                                                                  and  developers  on  proposed  proj-
                                        Call Roxie at             ects in order to try and find a way
                                      835-9455 x 102              forward  that  makes  the  residents
                                                                  feel  heard  and  understood  while
                                           Or email               still  providing  an  opportunity  for      Coupon Expires 1/31/25
                                        roxieriverrock            new  growth  to  take  place  in  the
                                                                     To be continued . . .
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