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Thursday,  October 10, 2024 •                   • 5

     Ralph Wilson Park Bridge photo:

     Ralph Wilson Park Bridge installed over I-190

        The 266-foot Ralph Wilson Park highway, with one in the roadbed.  also creating a safe and welcoming
     bridge  was  successfully  installed  A  community-driven  visioning  crossing into the park.
     over the I-190, marking another im- process for Ralph Wilson Park that  The  Ralph  Wilson  Park  bridge
     portant  milestone  in  the  complex started in 2018 called Imagine La-  was  manufactured  by  Cimolai  in
     construction  project  underway  at Salle  emphasized  that  one  of  the  Italy and traveled across the ocean
     the park.                     community’s top priorities was safe  in four pieces earlier this year. After
        Designed with community input access  to  the  park.  Hearing  that  passing through the New York har-
     to increase access to the waterfront, feedback,  the  City  of  Buffalo,  the  bor,  the  four  pieces  were  loaded
     the bridge will create a new pedes- State of New York, and the Ralph  onto two barges for the trip to Buf-
     trian and bicyclist entrance to Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation added a  falo on the Erie Canal.
     Wilson  Park  when  it  opens  to  the major  infrastructure  project  to  the  A  world-renowned  panel  will
     public in early 2026. Ralph Wilson original  scope  of  the  park  design:  discuss the bridge on Saturday, Oct.
     Park  (former  LaSalle  Park)  is  a the pedestrian bridge and the rede-  19 at 10:30 a.m. during a free, open-
     100+  acre  waterfront  park  in  the sign  of  the  4th  Street  side  of  the  to-the-public panel and reception on
     City of Buffalo that is currently un- park.  The  cost  of  both  is  approxi-  the Art of Architecture at the Buffa-
     dergoing a transformation to create mately $20 million.      lo AKG Lipsey Auditorium on Elm-
     a  world-class  public  space  that  is  The  bridge  design  was  chosen  wood Ave.
     safe,  accessible  and  fun  for  all  to through a community-based design
     enjoy.                        competition led by the University at
        The  bridge  installation  started Buffalo  Regional  Institute  in  early
     late  on  Saturday,  Oct.  5,  and 2020. The community chose schla-
     wrapped up in the morning of Sun- ich  bergermann  partner  (sbp),
     day, Oct. 6.  Dozens of emergency known for its creative, elegant, sus-
     services agencies, along with state tainable design of long-span bridges
     and local partners, worked in coor- and other structures throughout the
     dination to remove the old pedestri- world. The design illustrates an ap-
     an  bridge  by  crane  and  place  the preciation for Buffalo’s rich archi-
     new  220-ton  bridge  superstructure tectural  and  industrial  heritage,
     over the I-190 and railroad tracks. coupled  with  a  desire  to  create  an
     Two gantry cranes and one 100-ton innovative and optimized structure.
     rough terrain assist crane were used The  structure  is  an  enclosed  steel
     and  placed  on  either  side  of  the arch that protects pedestrians from
                                   the  noise  and  traffic  below,  while
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     Speaker series takes another look at
     the immigrants who made Black Rock                                                           Call Steve or Michelle,

      from page 1
    Seeing common traits                                                                              716-835-9454.
    in today’s world
       Like  the  immigrants  of  today,
    who come from different parts of the
    world but share the same dream of a
    better  life,  the  Polish,  Ukrainian,
    German,  Italian  and  Irish  immi-
    grants  who  made  their  way  across
    the  ocean  were  determined  to  pro-
    vide a better future for their children
    and grandchildren, Kinal said.
       His  father  was  a  frugal  man,  Greg  Kinal  with  grandfathers
    driving to the grocery store to pay  landing card
    bills rather than spending money on
    stamps and living close to the facto-  tuition as well. But halfway through
    ry where he worked to save money  his  son’s  time  in  college,  Kinal’s
    on gas. Kinal recalls wondering why  father passed away.
    his father worked so hard but saved  “Now  it’s  graduation  day,  and
    so much of his money. “He still had  this  is  before  cell  phones,  and  my
    that immigrant ideal. It’s not about  son  is  late.  We’re  going  to  Buff
    us,  it’s  about  the  next  generation.  State  and  he  pulls  in.  I’m  going
    We’re going to take care of them.”  ‘Scott,  where  were  you?  Are  you
       Kinal’s  father  paid  for  his  crazy!  I’ve  got  all  these  people,
    daughter’s college education at the  where were you?’ And he says, ‘I
    State  University  of  New  York  at  went  to  the  cemetery.  I  went  to
    Buffalo  and,  when  it  was  time  for  thank grandpa for paying.’ And you
    his son to attend Buff State, he made  know  what?  My  father  wouldn’t
    the  same  insistence,  to  pay  for  his  have thought anything of it.”
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