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DEATHS Thursday, January 9, 2025 • • 7
NY does well
Danielle Hajdu Betty Marinell
in cancer Hajdu, Danielle D. (nee Heller- Marinell, Betty J. (nee Boyd) of CLASSIFIEDS
er) of Williamsville, NY, died Jan. Grand Island, NY, died Dec. 31,
research ranking 3, 2025, at age 51. Beloved wife of 2024, at age 103. Betty leaves be-
With over $7.2 billion going to James Hajdu; loving hind her daughter, FOR RENT APARTMENT WANTED
be invested in cancer research in the mother of Tiffany Patricia (late Stu-
United States during 2025, the non- Hellerer, Ceara art H. Short) Fein- APARTMENT FOR RENT APARTMENT WANTED
profit organization SmileHub re- Johnson, Kyle John- en, stepson, Two Bedroom Lower, near A senior on fixed income look-
cently released new reports on the son, Jessica Hajdu Michael (Joanne) Hertel & Tonawanda St. Wall-to- ing for a 1 or 2 bedroom apartment.
Best Charities for Research and the and Ashley Hajdu; Marinell, grand- wall Carpeting. No Pets. No smok- Clean, doesn’t smoke, no pets. Call
Best States for Cancer Research in devoted grandmoth- children, Rachael ing anything. $850/mo. Call 716- 716-848-9179 leave a message.
2025. er of Christyana, Cecilia, Romel (David Kreger) Short, Bridget (Rob- 984-9275.
SmileHub compared each of the and Charlie; cherished daughter of ert) Ray, Marissa (Mark) Draksic, LEGAL NOTICE HELP WANTED
50 states based on 13 key metrics. Donna and the late Terrence Heller- Jon-Michael Marinell, and her be-
The data set ranges from the number er; dear sister of Terrence Hellerer, loved furry friend, Florian Koszal- Gotta Car?
of clinical trials per capita to the James Hellerer and Julie Schloss; ka. She was preceded in passing by
cancer incidence rate to the quality adored daughter-in-law of Katalin her cherished husband, Frank Earn good money
of cancer treatment hospitals. and Gregory Repman; also survived Marinell, parents, Ambrose and
Here’s how cancer research in New by nieces, nephews and cousins. Mollie Boyd, son John (Jean) Fein- with that car.
York ranked (1=Best, 25=Avg.): Danielle brought happiness to en, Jr. and sisters, Leah Gollwitzer DRIVERS WANTED
Overall Rank: 2nd everyone around her, lighting up and Phyllis Bermel. Pat’s Pizza
1st – Research Charities per every room she walked into. She Betty will be fondly remem- Apply online at
Capita has always had an undeniable pas- bered by her many great-grandchil-
2nd – Research Universities per sion and love for her family and dren, nieces, nephews and treasured
Capita friends. She will forever be in our friends. Her favorite activities in- KW APPLIANCES
3rd – National Institutes of hearts. Visitation and Funeral Ser- cluded traveling, bingo, $1 scratch
Health Grant Funding vices were held at the KOLANO tickets, and her Sunday card club. FOR SALE
23rd – Clinical Trials per Capita FUNERAL HOME. She enjoyed events and gatherings 11/28/24 - 1/9/25 Washers,
2nd – Cancer Mortality Rate If desired, donations in Dan- at the Grand Island Golden Age Dryers, Stoves &
To view the full report and your ielle's memory may be made to St. Center for many years. Funeral Ser-
state’s rank, visit: Jude Children's Hospital. Please vices were held privately at the con- Refrigerators. New! Used! share your online condolences at venience of the family. Interment Clean & Guaranteed.
states-for-cancer-research/220 Elmlawn Cemetery. If desired, do- KW Appliances
nations in Betty's memory may be
made to Cradle Beach at 1913 Niagara Street 716-871-1022
Please share your online condolenc- MC/VISA
es at
Problem Property Tip Sheet
Helping create a Better Buffalo
Is there a specific problem with a property in your neighborhood?
Please fill out the form with as much detail as possible
and the Black Rock Riverside Alliance
will see that the problem is forwarded to proper authorities.
Address of Problem ________________________________________
Apartment ________________________________________________
Upper, Lower, Front, Rear etc.
Problem Type (Check and explain below)
�Graffiti � Litter, Debris, Garbage
� �Vandalism � Exterior / Structural Violations
PUZZLE SOLUTION � Parking � Unlicensed/Abandoned Vehicles
� � Other � Party / Loud Noise
Explanation: (Be as specific as possible)
Attach additional sheet to submit more details.
Vehicle information:
Plate # _________ Make __________ Model _________ Color ________
Plate # _________ Make __________ Model _________ Color ________
Name(s) of Violator(s): (Names, nickname if known) ______________________
Complainant - Optional (name & phone) _______________________________
Do you wish to be confidentially contacted? � Yes � No
Please mail this form to:
Black Rock Riverside Alliance, 52 Amherst St., Buffalo, NY 14207