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                            Vol. 4 No. 22                              Thursday, July 25, 2024                     Covering the Northwest Corner of Buffalo

                                                                  Council seeks to

                                                                  combat illegal
                                                                  cannabis stores

                                                                      uffalo  Common  Council  Ma-
                                                                  Bjority Leader Leah M. Halton-
                                                                  Pope  has  submitted  a  resolution
                                                                  aimed at tackling the issue of illegal
                                                                  cannabis  stores  within  the  City  of
                                                                  Buffalo  amid  growing  concerns
                                                                  from residents across the city.
                                                                     The  resolution,  introduced  on  Senator Hubert Humphrey and Congressman Henry Nowak.
                                                                  the Tuesday, July 23, 2024 Buffalo
                                                                  Common  Council  meeting,  directs  Nowak, Riverside High grad who
     MAKING T STREET LOOK BETTER: A dedicated group of River-
                                                                  the  City  of  Buffalo  Corporation
     siders gathered on Tuesday night and tackled not only the litter
                                                                  Counsel to draft a new local law that  became Congressman, has died
     but  areas  with  overgrown  vegetation  on  Tonawanda  St.  near
                                                                  will implement fines and permit the
     Saratoga.                           photos by David Boye                                        ormer  U.S.  Rep.  Henry
                                                                  padlocking of premises involved in                             “There is another part of
                                                                                                     Nowak,  who  represented
                                                                  unlawful cannabis activities.                                  sports that brings people
                                                                     "Illegal  cannabis  stores  pose  a  FWestern  New  York  from  together.... You look at the
                                                                                                1975 to 1992, has died. He was 89.
                                                                  serious threat to the safety and well-
                                                                  being  of  our  community  and  by  Nowak was elected as a Demo- kinds of problems we have in
                                                                                                crat to the 94th and to the 98th suc-  our community today, in
                                                                  aligning  our  local  laws  with  state
                                                                  regulations,  we  can  ensure  a  safer  ceeding Congresses (Jan. 3, 1975 -  cities, all over. A lot of these
                                                                                                Jan.  3,  1993).    "Congressman
                                                                  environment  for  our  residents  and                         children, who have perhaps
                                                                  support the integrity of the regulated  Nowak’s legacy lives on through his  a little more time on their
                                                                                                tireless  work  in  bringing  home  re-
                                                                  cannabis  market,”  said  Buffalo
                                                                  Common  Council  Majority  Leader  sources  from  Washington  to  help  hands than they should,
                                                                                                build and shape the community we    don’t participate."
                                                                  Leah M.Halton-Pope. “This resolu-
                                                                  tion  is  a  necessary  step  to  protect  have today," Erie County Democrat-  Henry Nowak
                                                                                                ic  Party  Chairman  Jeremy  Zellner
                                                                  public health, prevent underage use,
                                                                  and generate tax revenue that bene-  said on X.                 "I  got  assigned  to  the  House
                                                                                                   The  Buffalo  native  attended
                                                                  fits our city."                                              Public  Works  Committee,  which
                                                                     This  initiative  is  designed  to  public elementary schools in Buffa-  was where I wanted to be because I
                                                                                                lo;  graduated  from  Riverside  High
                                                                  align  Buffalo’s  regulations  with                          knew I could use my position there
                                                                  New  York  State  laws  and  bolster  School,  Buffalo,  1953;  BA,  Cani-  to bring projects here," he said. "For
                                                                                                sius  College,  Buffalo,  1957;  JD,
                                                                  efforts to protect public health and                         example,  I  was  able  to  get  federal
                                                                  safety.                       University of Buffalo Law School,  funds for the Erie Basin Marina. I
                                                                                                1961; admitted to the New York bar  was able to get funding for Buffalo's
                                                                                                in 1963 and commenced practice in  rapid transit system.
     Council looking to loosen residency requirements                                           Buffalo.                       especially concerned was moderniz-
                                                                                                                                  "One  thing  about  which  I  was
                                                                                                   He  served  in  the  United  States
                                                                                                Army,   1957-1958,   1961-1962;
        uffalo Common Council Presi- mandates  that  potential  employees palities  to  set  residency  require-               ing  our  auto  manufacturing  opera-
    Bdent  Pro  Tempore  Bryan  J. have established residency with lim- ments.  The  law  does  not  mandate  served as assistant district attorney  tions  in  this  area  and  making  sure
    Bollman  has  put  forth  a  resolution ited  flexibility  for  extensions.  The residency but permits flexibility in  of Erie County, 1964; and served as  that  our  workers  were  trained  to
    that he says aims to better recruit and updated policy will extend this peri- establishing  and  waiving  such  re-  Erie  County  comptroller,  1964-  implement the manufacturing tech-
    retain highly qualified employees to od to one year, providing new em- quirements.          1974.                          nology of the future, including ro-
                                                                                                   "I  got  the  chance  to  run  for
    the City of Buffalo.           ployees ample time to settle within  “Recruiting and retaining highly                       botics.... I was able to do this in a
       A press release form the Council the city.                 qualified employees is essential for  comptroller because I was both an  way that has played a major part in
    states: “Recognizing the challenges  Flexibility  in  Recruitment: meeting  the  operational  needs  of  attorney  and  a  certified  public  ac-  keeping  General  Motors  providing
    posed by the current job and housing This  change  aligns  Buffalo  with our city and the needs of our resi-  countant," he once said in an inter-  thousands of jobs here in WNY, an
    markets, this resolution for an ordi- other municipalities such as Denver, dents,”  said  Bollman  who  repre-  view. "I was able to win by pledging  accomplishment  of  which  I  have
    nance amendment aims to meet both Portland,  Columbus,  Las  Vegas, sents the Lovejoy District. “Given  to  modernize  the  comptroller's  of-  always been very proud."
    operational  needs  and  residents' and  Detroit,  which  have  adopted the  current  job  and  housing  mar-  fice, which I did once I took office."  Throughout  his  long  career  in
                                                                                                   It was the middle 60s, the dawn
    needs effectively by updating its res- more  flexible  residency  require- kets, it is imperative that we update  of  the  computer  age,  Nowak  set  Congress,  he  rubbed  elbows  with
    idency waiver policy.”         ments to attract a diverse and skilled our residency waiver policy to pro-                  many  national  notables,  including
       Key points of the updated Resi- workforce.                 vide new employees with sufficient  about  bringing  Erie  County's  gov-  then House Speaker Tip O'Neill and
    dency Waiver Policy include:      Legislative  Basis:  The  update time  to  establish  residency  within  ernment  accounting  practices  into  the  late  Maine  Senator  and  fellow
       Extended  Residency  Require- complies with New York State Civil                         the 20th century and beyond.   Pole, Ed Muskie.
    ment  Period:  The  current  policy Service Law, which allows munici-     Continued on page 8  "Before  I  became  comptroller,  "I would say that Ed Muskie was
                                                                                                things were largely done by hand,"  the most impressive public official I
                                                                                                he  said.  "I  was  able  to  modernize  ever  met,"  Nowak  said.  "He  was
                                                                                                our operations. Of course, that pro-  someone whose total interest was in
                                                                                                cess continued after I left."  doing the right thing for our nation,
                                                                                                   When Nowak left the comptrol-  not politics."
                                                                                                ler's office, it was to take a seat in  After  retiring  in  1992,  he  had
                                                                                                the House of Representatives as part  worked as a consultant for Ecology
                                                                                                of  1974’s  legendary  Democratic  and  Environment  and  other  firms,
                                                                                                Party-dominated  Watergate  Class  while never losing his dedication to
                                                                                                after  the  equally  notable  Buffalo  helping WNY.
                                                                                                Congressman Thaddeus Dulski an-   "I  have  always  loved  Buffalo
                                                                                                nounced his retirement.        and WNY and I have always been
                                                                                                   "This  was  the  group  that  was  proud that I had the opportunity to
                                                                                                elected  in  the  wake  of  President  bring  federal  funding  and  jobs
                                                                                                Nixon's  Watergate  Scandal,"  he  here," he said.
                                                                                                said.  "At  that  time,  voters  were  Nowak was an advocate for his
                                                                                                mainly interested in cleaning up the  son  Henry  Nowak  Jr.  who  at  the
                                                                                                scandal and fixing our economy."  time of that interview was a Buffalo
                                                                                                   In  addition  to  those  issues,  the  Housing Court judge.
                                                                                                newly    minted   Congressman     "Of  course,  I'm  very  proud  of
                                                                                                Nowak's  primary  concern  was  Henry,"  Congressman  Nowak  re-
     NEARING THE END. Construction crews are on Niagara Street near Ontario as the Rehabilitation  bringing  economic  development  cently  said.  "He  has  really  done  a
                                                                                                dollars  to  Buffalo  and  WNY,  an
     & Reconfiguration Project Phase 4 of Niagara Street gets closer to completion.  In the section from                       great  job  of  transforming  Buffalo
                                                                                                activity which he would turn into an
     Hertel Ave. to Ontario Street, work included tree removal and replacement, new sewer lines and                            Housing Court into a true problem
                                                                                                art form over the next 18 years.
     new curbs. Work on the street from downtown to Ontario Street  has taken a number of years as                             solving  court  which  is  helping  to
     the roadway was updated as well as transformed in sections to include new bike lanes.                                                  Continued on page 8
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